The SRX120 Snowmobile is intended to be a learning/recreational snowmobile for a
responsible child at least 6 years of age under adult supervision. This snowmobile is
intended to be ridden by the operator only; there should be no passenger. Also, this
snowmobile is intended for daylight use in restricted off-road areas, primarily on
snow. Use of this snowmobile on public streets, roads, and highways can be hazard-
ous and is prohibited by law in most cases. As a parent or guardian, one must accept
the responsibility of training the child in the safe operation of the snowmobile. Teach
all operators the basic principles of operation, snowmobile rules and regulations, and
especially how to stop the snowmobile in case of an emergency. Impress upon the
child a sense of snowmobile courtesy and responsibility.
This snowmobile is a quality Yamaha product designed, engineered, and assembled
to give dependable service. Be sure, as the owner, to become thoroughly familiar with
its basic operation, maintenance, and storage procedures. Read this manual and the
accompanying Snowmobile Safety Handbook to ensure safe and proper use of the
This manual is divided into sections. The sections Getting Ready to Operate the
SRX120 Safely and Operating the SRX120 must be read and explained to the child/
operator. The other sections are for the owner/parent/guardian and contain informa-
tion on snowmobile identification, safe operating instructions, lubrication, mainte-
nance, storage, and after-storage preparation. If repair or service is ever required,
contact an authorized Yamaha Snowmobile dealer for professional service.
The Operator’s Manual, Snowmobile Safety Handbook, and snowmobile decals dis-
play the words Warning, Caution, and Note to emphasize important information. The
identifies personal safety-related information. Be sure to
follow the directive because it deals with the possibility of severe personal injury or
even death. A
identifies unsafe practices which may result in snow-
mobile-related damage. Follow the directive because it deals with the possibility of
damaging part or parts of the snowmobile. The symbol
identifies supple-
mentary information worthy of particular attention.
At the time of publication, all information and illustrations refer to the product at the
time of publishing. Because Yamaha constantly refines and improves its products, no
retroactive obligation is incurred.
This Operator’s Manual should be considered a permanent part of the snowmobile
and must remain with the snowmobile at the time of resale. If the snowmobile
changes ownership more than once, contact Yamaha Customer Service (refer to page
26 for the contact information) for proper registration information. This manual was
prepared by the Product Service and Warranty Department of Yamaha.
Every Yamaha snowmobile meets or exceeds the standards of the Snowmobile Safety
and Certification Committee and displays the SSCC decal. Yamaha endorses and
encourages the safe use of all snowmobiles. Always wear a helmet and eye protec-
tion. Drive with caution, observe all state and local laws, and respect the rights of oth-
ers. International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association (ISMA) members like
Yamaha do their part to improve trails, sponsor events, and generally support the
sport of snowmobiling. As a member of the National Snowmobile Foundation,
Yamaha promotes snowmobiling through education, charity, and research programs.
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