Configuring IRSampler
SREV1 Sampling Guide
Sampler (Generator/Trigger window)
Set Averaging to “8”
Set the Sampling Time to “4500” msec (i.e., 216000 samples)
Generator Output Assign (Generator/Trigger window)
Assign the Generator Output to “Slot2-1”
Trigger Output Assign (Generator/Trigger window)
Assign the Trigger Output to “Slot2-2”
Input Assign (Generator/Trigger window)
Assign the Sampler Inputs as follows:
Channel 1: Slot 1-1
Channel 2: Slot 1-2
Channel 3: Slot 1-3
Channel 4: Slot 1-4
Input Levels (Main window)
Set the Sampler Input level faders as follows:
Channel 1: 0.0 dB
Channel 2: 0.0 dB
Channel 3: 0.0 dB
Channel 4: 0.0 dB
At this point, try a microphone test and check the input level meters to verify that the
microphones are working properly. If no signals are present on the meters, check the
connections and input assignments.
Generator Output Level (Main window)
Set the Generator Output level fader to “0.0 dB”