12. Job
Job 16 Modify Control Data
Changes or offsets the values of all occurences of the speci-
fied type of control change data of the specified segment.
1. Phrase setting: Phrs
Selects the target phrase.
Settings : 001 ... 256
2. Segment (M001:1:000 ~ M257: 1:000)
Sets the area of the phrase to be modified. The first
segment sets the measure, beat, and clock for the start
point; the second segment sets the end point.
Settings : Measure: beat : clock
001:1:000 ... 257:1:000
3. Event Type
Selects the event type to be adjusted (at the center of
the screen).
Settings : PB (Pitch bend), CC (Any single Con-
trol Change message type, 000 to
127), CAT (Channel aftertouch), PAT
(Polyphonic aftertouch)
4. Set All
Specifies a fixed value to which all occurences of the
specified type of control change data will be set. Set
this parameter “OFF” if you want to offset the values
of the data using the Rate and Offset parameters, be-
Settings : OFF, 000 ... 127, -8192 ... +8191
(Event Type=PB)
5. Rate
Sets the ratio between the lower and higher control
change values. A setting of “100%” maintains the origi-
nal relationship between the control values, lower set-
tings produce a narrower range, and higher values pro-
duce a wider range.
Settings : 000 ... 200
6. Offset
Determines the amount of offset applied to the control
change values. “-” settings reduce the values while “+”
settings increase the values.
New Control Change Values
= Original Control Change Values x rate/100
+ offset
(If the right side of the equation is less than 0, the
new value becomes 1)
Settings : -127 ... 127, -8192 ... +8191 (Event Type=PB)
Job 17 Time Stretch
This job expands or compresses the timing over the selected
segment on the selected phrase.
The operation affects all event timing, note step times, and
note gate times.
1. Phrase setting: Phrs
Selects the target phrase.
Settings : 001 ... 256
2. Segment (M001:1:000 ~ M257: 1:000)
Sets the target area of the phrase. The first segment sets
the measure, beat, and clock for the start point; the sec-
ond segment sets the end point.
Settings : Measure: beat: clock
001:1:000 ... 257:1:000
3. Time
The Time parameter sets the time multiplier.
Settings : 025% ... 400%
Job 18 Copy Phrase
This job copies a selected phrase (either user phrase or preset
phrase) to the designated user phrase.
The source-side Style parameter is meaningful only if you are
copying from a user phrase.
If the destination phrase does not yet exist, this job will create
it. If it does exist, the job will delete its original data.
1. Source style
The upper Style value selects the style containing the
user phrase to be copied. The value is meaningful only
if you are copying a user phrase; the RM1x ignores the
setting if you are copying a preset phrase.
Settings : U01 ... U50
P01 .... P60