The Option Functions
Use the
buttons to select the first source part to be
mixed: “P1” … “P4” are parts 1 through 4.
Move the cursor across to the second source part parameter and
use the
buttons to select the second source part to be
Move the cursor down to the destination part parameter and
use the
buttons to select the part to which the mixed
source parts are to be copied.
to mix and copy the specified parts. “Completed”
will appear briefly on the display and the Mix Part function will
automatically be exited when the specified data has been mixed
and copied. You can exit without executing the Mix Part function
by moving the cursor up to the OPTION pointer.
In many situations you may want to “overdub,” or add new
material to a single part without deleting the previous material.
This is dangerous, however, since you can ruin one or more layers
of good material by making a mistake during a later overdub. The
QY8 eliminates this possibility by allowing only “replace” recording
(i.e. all material recorded to a part erases and replaces any
previous material on that track). In order to record more than one
layer of material to a single part (using the same voice, of course),
first record the layers on separate parts, then after ensuring that
there are no mistakes, use the Mix Part job to combine these
separate parts onto a single part.
Please note that if both source part are set to the same part
number, the data from that part will simply be copied to the
destination part.
Use the [ U N D O ]
[ U N D O ]
[ U N D O ]
[ U N D O ]
[ U N D O ] key immediately after executing the Mix Part
function if you accidentally mix the wrong parts or copy them to
the wrong part.