Applying EQ
ProMix 01 Getting Started Guide
Setting the Q
The MID band is a peaking type EQ. The LOW and HIGH bands are
initially configured as shelving type EQs. However, they can also be
configured as peaking EQs.
1. Press [EQ LOW] to select the LOW gain.
2. Set to –10dB.
3. Press [EQ LOW] twice to select the LOW Q.
4. Turn the PARAMETER wheel one step counterclockwise.
The LOW band changes from shelving to peaking with a Q value of
3oct (3 octaves). ProMix 01 Q values are specified as musically intu-
itive octave values as opposed to decimal values.
5. As you keep turning the PARAMETER wheel counterclockwise,
effectively increasing the Q, the band of frequencies affected
by the LOW EQ is narrowed, as shown on the EQ graph.
A narrow curve is useful for boosting or cutting specific frequencies.
As well as using the [EQ LOW], [MID], and [HIGH] buttons to select
parameters, you can also use the cursor buttons.
6. To turn the EQ OFF (i.e. bypass it), press [ENTER]. Press again
to turn it back ON. This is useful for EQ A–B listening.
Well, that’s ProMix 01 EQ; flexible and intuitive. The following dis-
play shows some excessive EQ settings. Although they don’t sound too
good, they do show off the EQ curve.