MOXF6/MOXF8 Reference Manual
Voice Mode
From this display you can select monophonic or polyphonic playback and set the Portamento parameters. The setting
made here will be applied to the same parameter in Voice Common Edit.
When a Drum Voice is selected, the Portamento parameters are not available.
Selects monophonic or polyphonic.
mono, poly
PortaSW (Portamento Switch)
Determines whether Portamento is applied to the current Voice or not.
off, on
PortaTime (Portamento Time)
Determines the pitch transition time or rate when Portamento is applied.
0 – 127
PortaMode (Portamento Mode)
Determines how Portamento is applied to your keyboard performance. For details on settings, see the “Synthesizer
Parameter Manual” PDF document.
fingered, fulltime
In this section, set the offset value for the Amplitude EG and Filter EG of all Elements that make up the Voice.
AEG (Amplitude EG)
ATK (Attack Time)
Determines how quickly the sound reaches its maximum level after a key is pressed.
DCY (Decay Time)
Determines how fast the volume falls from maximum attack level to the sustain level.
SUS (Sustain Level)
Determines the sustain level at which the volume will continue while a note is held, after the initial attack and
REL (Release Time)
Determines how quickly the sound decays to silence after the key is released.
-64 – +0 – +63
When a Drum Voice is selected, the Sustain Level and Release Time are not available. “---” appears at each of the
corresponding columns and these parameters cannot be edited.
FEG (Filter EG)
ATK (Attack Time)
Determines the speed of filter variation from the time a note is played until the maximum initial level of the Cutoff
Frequency is reached.
DCY (Decay Time)
Determines how fast the Cutoff Frequency falls from maximum attack level to the sustain level.
REL (Release Time)
Determines how fast the Cutoff Frequency falls from the sustain level to zero when a note is released.
Determines the range over which the cutoff frequency of the Filter EG changes.
CUTOF (Cutoff)
Determines the Cutoff Frequency for the Filter. When the Low Pass Filter is selected, for example, the larger the
value the brighter the decay.
RESO (Resonance)
Determines the emphasis given to the Cutoff Frequency.
-64 – +0 – +63
[F3] PORTA (Portamento)
[F4] EG (Envelope Generator)