Voice Parameters
Waveform Bank
Specifies the Waveform Bank of an Element or Drum Key (Drum Voice).
: This lets you create User Waveforms based on samples that
are recorded in the Sampling mode.
Waveform Category and
Specifies the waveform of an Element (Normal Voice) or Drum Key (Drum
The waveform is specified as a combination of a Waveform Category and
a Waveform Number.
Assign Mode (for Drum
Enables or disables double playback of the same note.
: Double or repeated playback of the same note is not possible.
The first note will be stopped, then the next note will be sounded.
: All notes are sounded simultaneously. This allows playback of
the same note when it is played multiple times in succession
(especially for tambourine and cymbal sounds that you would want to
ring out to their full decay).
In general, you can use the setting
. Keep in mind that the
setting consumes overall polyphony and that sounds may be cut off.
Receive Note Off (for
Drum Voices)
Determines whether a Drum Key responds to the MIDI Note Off message
or not.
: Stops the sound when you release the key (Drum Key). For
sustained, non-fading drum sounds.
: Continues the (fading) sound when you release the key (Drum
Alternate Group (for
Drum Voices)
Prevents playback of unnatural combinations of Drum Keys.
You should assign Drum Keys that cannot be played simultaneously on a
real Drum Kit (like open and closed hi-hats) to the same Alternate Group.
for Drum Keys that can be played simultaneously.
Key On Delay
Defines the time delay between when a key is pressed and the
corresponding sound is actually played.
The higher the value, the longer the delay time.
Delay Tempo Sync
Determines if the Key On Delay is synchronized to the tempo of the
Arpeggio or sequencer (Song or Pattern).
Delay Tempo
Determines the timing of the Key On Delay when the Delay Tempo Sync
is set to On.
Velocity Cross Fade
Determines how gradually the volume of an Element decreases in
proportion to the distance of Velocity changes outside the Velocity Limit
The higher the value, the more gradual the volume decreases.
: No sound outside the Velocity Limit (see "Velocity Limit") is
Use this parameter to create natural-sounding Velocity cross fades, in
which different Elements change gradually depending on the strength at
which you play the keyboard.