Voice Parameters
EG Time Velocity
Determines how the Filter EG transition time (speed) responds to Velocity,
or the strength with which the key is pressed.
Positive values: High Velocities result in a fast Filter EG transition
speed while low Velocities result in a slow speed, as shown in Figure
27 and Figure 28.
Negative values: High Velocities result in a slow Filter EG transition
speed while low Velocities result in a fast speed.
: The pitch transition speed does not change, regardless of the
Figure 27: Positive Sensitivity: Playing hard, fast speed
Figure 28: Positive Sensitivity: Playing softly, slow speed
EG Time Velocity
Sensitivity Segment
Determines the part of the Filter EG that is affected by the EG Time
Velocity Sensitivity.
EG Time Key Follow
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically, their position or
Octave Range) affect the Filter EG times of the selected Element.
Positive values: High notes result in a fast Filter EG transition speed
while low notes result in a slow speed.
Negative values: High Velocities result in a slow Filter EG transition
speed while low notes result in a fast speed.
: The Filter EG transition speed does not change, regardless of
which note is played.