MONTAGE Reference Manual
From the Amplitude EG display you can make all the time and level settings for the Amplitude EG, which
determine how the volume of the sound changes over time. Using the AEG, you can control the transition
in volume from the moment the sound starts is to the moment the sound stops.
The full names of the available parameters are shown in the chart below, as they appear in the display.
Time: 0 – 127
Level: 0 – 127
Time/Key (AEG Time Key Follow Sensitivity)
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically, their position or octave range) affect the Amplitude
EG Times. The Center Key parameter (below) is used as the basic amplitude for this parameter.
-64 – +63
Positive values:
High notes result in a fast Amplitude EG transition speed while low notes result in a slow speed.
Negative values:
High notes result in a slow Amplitude EG transition speed while low notes result in a fast speed.
The Amplitude EG transition speed does not change, regardless of the played note.
Center Key (AEG Time Key Follow Sensitivity Center Key)
Determines the central note for the “Time/Key” parameter above. When the Center Key note is played, the
AEG behaves according to its actual settings.
C-2 – G8
Release Adj (AEG Time Key Follow Sensitivity Center Key Release Adjustment)
Determines the sensitivity of AEG Time Key Follow Sensitivity to AEG Release. The lower the value, the
lower the sensitivity.
0 – 127
Sets the AEG Time Key Follow Sensitivity to the value of Decay 1 or Decay 2.
Produces no effect in the AEG Time Key Follow Sensitivity.
Amp EG (Amplitude EG)
Part selection
Element selection
[Amp EG]
Initial Attack Decay1
Attack Time
Decay1 Time
Decay2 Time
Release Time
Initial Level
Attack Level
Decay1 Level
Decay2 Level