Mixing SEQ files and other files
The MDF3 will display the names of ESEQ files or standard
MIDI files written by other devices only when the disk they
are on does not contain any files bearing the “.X??” exten-
sion. This makes it difficult, for example, to play a mixture of
SEQ files and ESEQ files which have been saved on the same
Fortunately, the MDF3 does not need the extensions to check
the file format: it is capable of recognizing standard MIDI
files and ESEQ files by checking their file headers. This means
that you can fool the MDF3 into displaying the names of non-
SEQ files in SEQ mode by changing their file name exten-
sions to “.X??”. Remember, when you attempt this, that the
second and third characters of the extension must be num-
bers, and that the extension must be different from those of
all other SEQ files.
There’s another way to trick the MDF3 into playing a mixture
of SEQ files and other sequence files: you can rename all the
SEQ files on the disk so that they have extensions other than
“.X??” (e.g. “MID”). The MDF3 will then treat the disk as
though it contained no SEQ files, displaying the full file name
of every file.
If you rename ESEQ files using the former method, you will
be able to rename, copy, or delete them just as though they were
SEQ files. If you try to use the “Append” function with such files,
however, the MDF3 will display an error message.