Flux Gate and Heading Gyro Installation
Compass Sensor (Flux Gate or
After installation, the sensor has to be
aligned parallel to the vessel’s axis. Improper
alignment results in a constant heading error
on all headings, e.g. 4°.
At first align the sensor roughly with the
mark, to point forward. The next step is to
execute the compensation of the compass.
And in a third step the sensor should be
aligned accurately. Only now is it necessary,
to make relative bearings from deck. Use the
vessel as a bearing compass for a known
object and compare the magnetic bearing
obtained from the chart with the displayed
heading. Use the align function (page 8) or
turn the sensor a few degrees left or right until
the displayed headings are the same as the
magnetic bearings from the chart. Compensa-
tion should be repeated in case the sensor
has been rotated by more than 10 degrees.
Install the sensor at a magnetically undis-
turbed location. Steady magnetic fields are
allowed, if they do not cause more
than 20° deviation.
Only in cases without a Head-
ing Gyro, should the sensor be in-
stalled near the vessels center
of gravity. Horizontal acceler-
ations will be minimal there.
During prolonged
horizontal accelera-
tions, the sensor will
pick up part of the
vertical component
of the magnetic
field. This can
cause large
heading errors
during roll and
pitch motion in
heavy seas.
The cable outlet of the
Heading Sensor must point
downwards and the marking
must be aligned with the
forward direction of the
Observe the maxi-
mum operating voltage
of the sensor!
Be aware that the
greatest danger lies in
movable magnetic objects like small radios,
tools, keys, cell phones, the steering
compass or a hand bearing compass.
A good compromise for above points is often
found in a cabinet where clothes are stored.
Select a mid level, not at the floor and not just
under deck. An anchor chain on deck could
make your autopilot turn sharply! Also batter-
ies and their leads can produce strong mag-
netic fields when the battery is charged or
discharged; a distance of two meters from
these sources is adequate.
On steel hulls, an above deck installation is
The sensor cable may be extended as nec-
essary. If you have to remove the plug from
the cable, we recommend to do this only at
the sensor side!
Sonic Heading Gyro
The TECNAUTIC Sonic Gyro is a strap
down heading gyro with a so called vibrating
gyro element.
When connected to a properly configured
display unit, all compass displays in the sys-
tem will display the Gyro Heading (see com-
pass and autopilot functions).
The Gyro Heading is neither fluctuating nor
has it acceleration errors.
The Compass Sensor is still needed to pre-
vent long term drifting of the gyro.
Fluctuations of the Flux Gate Heading have
no effect on the Gyro Heading. The Sonic
Heading Gyro needs no damping and trans-
mits all heading changes instantly.
For the autopilot the heading is transmitted
with a 0.1 degrees resolution.
The Sonic Gyro must be
mounted vertically on a wall
with no or little vibration.
Attention: temperature
changes can affect the accuracy of the head-
ing. Therefore choose a location where
temperature is not changing rapidly,
e.g. inside a closet, and protect it from
sunshine or other radiated heat.