MONTAGE Reference Manual
Key Edit (Key)
From the Oscillator/Tune display you can set Oscillator-related parameters for each Key of the Drum Part.
Bank (Waveform Bank)
Number (Waveform Number)
Category (Waveform Category)
Sub Category (Waveform Sub Category)
Name (Waveform Name)
Indicates the information of the waveform used for the selected Drum Key. “Bank” indicates which
waveform location (Preset, User and Library) is assigned to the Key.
Refer to the Data List PDF document.
Drum Key Switch
Determines whether the currently selected Drum Key is used or not.
Off, On
Assign Mode (Key Assign Mode)
Determines the playing method when the same notes are received continuously, and without
corresponding note off messages.
Single, Multi
Double or repeated playback of the same note is not possible. The first note will be stopped, then the next
note will be sounded.
All notes are sounded simultaneously. This allows playback of the same note when it is played multiple times
in succession (especially for tambourine and cymbal sounds that you would want to ring out to their full decay).
Connect (Drum Key Connection Switch)
Determines which Insertion Effect (A or B) is used to process each individual Drum Key. The Insertion
Effect is bypassed if “Thru” is selected. This parameter is same as the “Connect” parameter in the
“Routing” display of Effect settings in Key Common Edit. Making a setting here automatically changes the
setting of that parameter as well.
Thru, InsA (Insertion Effect A), InsB (Insertion Effect B)
Osc/Tune (Oscillator/Tune)
Part selection
Key selection
Drum Key Switch