Instrument operation
ACC switches
These switches can be used to operate a fish
finder or other electronic device that is in-
stalled later as an accessory. For more infor-
mation, contact a Yamaha Boat Dealer.
Livewell switch
Push this switch to turn on the livewell pump.
(See page 61 for information on using the
Aerator switch
Use this switch to circulate the water in the
livewell. Push the “MNL” side of the switch to
circulate water continuously in the livewell.
Push the “AUTO” side of the switch to circu-
late water in the livewell according to the on
and off operation settings. Put the switch in
the middle position to stop circulating water.
(See page 39 for information on setting the
automatic operation settings.)
Jet wash switch
Push this switch to turn on the jet wash sys-
tem. (See page 67 for information on using
the jet wash system.)
No-wake mode/cruise assist switch
This switch activates and sets the no-wake
mode, cruise assist, and reverse RPM con-
No-wake mode/cruise assist switch
To operate the no-wake mode and cruise as-
sist, see the following sections. To activate
the reverse RPM control, see “Reverse RPM
control” on page 48.
No-wake mode
The no-wake mode is useful for operating the
boat at a steady speed with a minimal wake.
This is especially convenient when traveling
in harbors, channels, or other areas posted
with low speed limits as “no wake zones”.
The no-wake mode can be used only when
the engine is operating at idle speed.
To activate the no-wake mode:
(1) Put the remote control lever in the TDE
position or forward position so that the
engine is operating at idle speed.
(2) Push the plus side of the no-wake
mode/cruise assist switch. “No Wake
SportsBoat_F3M11.book Page 46 Wednesday, June 1, 2016 3:42 PM