(6) Pull the trailer up the ramp out of the way
of other boaters. Attach the bow and
stern tie-downs. Reconnect the trailer
Stern eye
(7) Perform the post-operation checks on
page 98.
Do not attach lifting cables to the bow eye,
cleats, stern eyes, ski tow hook, or hand-
grips. Serious damage to the boat can oc-
cur. Use only a sling designed specifically
for lifting boats.
If you need to remove the boat from the water
without a trailer, use these guidelines:
Use a sling-type lifting mechanism de-
signed for lifting boats. The sling should be
covered with a protective material to pre-
vent damage to the hull gelcoat.
Use spreader bars to avoid side stress to
the hull that may cause cracks in the gel-
coat and fiberglass.
Attach guidelines to the bow eye and stern
eyes to control movement of the boat dur-
ing lifting.
Remove all people and all cargo from the
boat. Drain any excess water from the bilge
using the bilge pump.
Be sure all people are standing clear, and
then lift the boat slowly and just far enough
to verify that the boat is securely held and
properly balanced. If necessary, lower the
boat again and adjust the slings.
When ready, lift the boat slowly and careful-
SportsBoat_F3M11.book Page 103 Wednesday, June 1, 2016 3:42 PM