1. Purpose of use
This machine is a pump to supply oil, in particular, high-viscosity oil to construction machines by
using a lever type manual pump. It cannot be used for grease. The machine can keep a large
quantity of oil in its cabinet and is most suitable for lubrication work in an outdoor place where no
compressor is available. The oil supply port base is a button head type that permits quick and
sure lubrication.
2. Warning / Caution
2-1.Definition of warning and caution
The following definitions and warning indications are given to specify "warning" and "caution" in
this instruction manual.
A warning indication is indispensable to your safe work.
Be sure you understand these indications well before use since the important items to prevent
personal injury and physical damage are described on it.
Given when it is assumed that mishandling may cause death or serious injury.
Given when it is assumed that mishandling may cause injury and physical
The above labels are intended to improve efficient operation and perform device
Some types of oil to be used may contain carcinogens. Read the precautions provided by oil
manufacturer thoroughly and handle the oil with care.
- Gasoline is a high-volatility fuel. Do not use it to clean the pump in any case. Otherwise,
ignition or explosion may be caused.
This machine is a pump for high-viscosity oil. The machine cannot be used for gasoline, light
oil, kerosene, and other solvents.
For your safe use
A warning label is affixed on this product and with which precautions are described to call
attention to your safe use.
Never fail to observe precautions to prevent any personal injury, physical damage, and accidents
Be sure to observe warning and caution described below since they are very important.