EN_Product manual_Toro_v1.2
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Toro has a selection of various games. Yalp develops new games regularly, and the database of available
games is constantly growing.
Games can be activated online
http://my.yalp.nl (chapter 3). A maximum of 5 games can
be active at the same time, to make it simple for the users. If a new game becomes available
it will be uploaded on your Toro.
With a push of the button on the master goal a choice can be made from the active games. Each game
starts with a game name, followed by a short explanation. With a push on the button, the next game is
After a minute of not playing, the Toro will turn into ‘idle-mode’ (standby). If the Toro feels impact on one
of the panels, it will react by telling the user to push the button.
4. Games
Clear the 4 points of your opponent as fast as possible! Prior to the game all goals have
the colour of the adjacent quarter of the field. Four corners light up in every goal. When
someone scores, 1 corner is lost. The person who is the last to have any corners left wins.
Bottle soccer
The child’s game kicking over water bottles, but now digitalized! Everybody defends it’s
own colour goal, while attacking other goals. When scoring a goal, the goal starts to ‘drain’:
coloured LEDs start fading. The ‘draining’ can be stopped by hitting the goal again with a
ball, hockey stick, hand or foot. If your goal is ‘empty’, you are out. Last player wins.
Score points at your opponents’ goals while defending yours. This game is ideal for a large
group, because people rotate quickly. When someone scores, the player defending that
goal has to leave to field and make place for a new player. When nobody scores within two
minutes, all players have switch with new players.
When hit, each goal will switch colour from red to green. The green team takes on the red,
in their match to get all the goals in their teams’ colour. If no one succeeds within two
minutes, the team with the most conquered goals will win.
Games overview