delay(10); //delay 10ms
val=digitalRead(key);// Reads the button ,the level value assigns to val
if(val==LOW) //Double check the button is pressed
digitalWrite(beep,LOW);//The buzzer sounds
delay(50);//delay 50ms
//Determine if the button is released or not
/*main loop*/
void loop()
keysacn(); //Press the button to start
Infrared signal back means there is something obstacled ,returns low level and led
lights up.
Infrared signal gone means there is nothing obstacled ,returns high level and led lights
SR_2 = digitalRead(SensorRight_2);//Right infrared sensor detects the obstacle,then
LED[L5] light illuminates and otherwise it goes off.
SL_2 = digitalRead(SensorLeft_2);//Left infrared sensor detects the obstacle,then
LED[L4] light illuminates and otherwise it goes off.
if (SL_2 == LOW&&SR_2==LOW)// Black lines were not detected at the same time
run(); // go ahead
else if (SL_2 == HIGH & SR_2 == LOW)// Left sensor against white undersurface and
right against black undersurface , the car left off track and need to adjust to the right.
else if (SR_2 == HIGH & SL_2 == LOW) // Rihgt sensor against white undersurface
and left against black undersurface , the car right off track and need to adjust to the left.
else // Black lines were detected at the same time , the car stop.
Experimental steps:
1. We need to open the code of this experiment:
, click
under the menu
bar to compile the code, and wait for the word "
Done compiling
" in the lower right
corner, as shown in the figure below.