YAESU HF/50 mHz Transceiver FT-450 User’s Manual
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Receiver recovery time with semi-break-in operation.
CW KEY – default NOR out of NOR or REV
Keyer wiring configuration. In NOR, the plug tip produces dots and the plug ring produces
dashes. In REV, the plug tip produces dashes and the plug ring produces dots.
CW QSK – default 15 milliseconds out of
15, 20, 25, or 30 milliseconds
Transmit delay when from key to carrier.
CWPADDLE – default KEY out of KEY or MIC
Use paddle via KEY jack or use up/down buttons on MH-31 A8J microphone (MIC) as paddle
CWPITCH – default 700 out of 400, 500, 600, 700, or 800 Hz
Set the pitch of the CW sidetone, (BFO offset) and the CW filter center frequencies. To hear the
tone, press the “METER/DIM” button.
CWSPEED – default 12 WPM (60 CPM) out of
4 ~ 60 WPM or 20 ~ 300 CPM
Set the CW speed of the automatic keyer. To toggle between display in words per minute (WPM)
and characters per minute (CPM) press the “F
” key. To hear the tone, press the “METER/DIM”
CWSTONE – default either FIX10 or LNK-8 our of range of FIX0 ~ FIX100 or LNK-50 ~ LNK+50
Set the CW sidetone volume leve. To toggle between a fixed volume and a volume linked to the
setting of the audio volume control, press the “F
” key. To hear the tone, press the
“METER/DIM” button.
CWTRAIN – default N out of N, A, or M
Set CW training function. N = Numeric, A = Alpha, and M = Mixed. See section 8.4, CW
Training for use of this parameter.
CWWEIGHT – default 1/3.0 out of
1/2.5, 1/3.0, 1/3.5, 1/4.0 and 1/4.5
Set the CW weight of dot size / dash size.
BCN TIM – default OFF out of OFF, 1 ~ 255 seconds
Selects the time interval between transmission of a CW beacon message.
BCN_TXT – default not applicable
Stores the message for a beacon transmission. This adaptation procedure is more complicated than
other parameters. After selecting BCN TXT with the “DSP/SEL” knob, we must add steps using
the “MAIN” dial to select the first character 1:1…, the “DSP/SEL” dial to enable storing, the
“MAIN” dial to select a character from A-Z, 0-9, /,
, and the space character, the “DSP/SEL”
knob to move on to the next character, and so on. If the text string is more than 40 characters but
less than 79 characters, set the 40
character to
, press the “DSP/SEL” knob twice, turn the
“MAIN” dial to select the next character 2:2… and continue on. If the text string is more than 79
characters but less than 118 characters, set the final character of slot 2 to
, press the “DSP/SEL”
knob twice, turn the “MAIN” dial to select the next character 3:3… and continue on. Be sure to
terminate the text string with the