If an alarm is triggered on one of the sensors an Alarm SMS will be sent to all master numbers to alert
you to the particular alarm triggered as well as other status information you may need. The alarm
looks identical to the Status SMS but at the start it will define the type of alarm it is.
3 - Alarm message
Alarm source
The temperature has exceeded the maximum limit
The temperature has fallen below the minimum limit
The default alarm names for Alarms1-4, if you change the alarm
name (e.g. to CABIN-HATCH) this will appear instead.
Indicates the shore power has been removed
Indicates the boat battery voltage is low
The device has moved outside the geofence mooring perimeter
The device has moved back into the geofence mooring perimeter
An error message will be sent if there is an issue with the physical connection between the sensor
and the Yacht Sentinel base unit. If an error is found the sensor it relates to may be inoperable or
unreliable, so it is recommended that you check your unit as soon as you can.
4- Error message
Error type
Check the connection between the Yacht Sentinel and the
sensors on input 1-4. Check that the removable connectors
are properly inserted into the device.
Check that the wires on the sensor are attached to the
correct input
The tracking SMS will be sent to the user that requested it at the length of interval and total number
of messages defined when activating the feature. The text will include all the relevant status
information but focus on the latitude, longitude, SOG and COG so that you can effectively track your
To draw a chart of where your boat has been simply enter the latitude and longitude from the
Tracking SMS into any map or chart software (e.g. Google maps, Openseamap.org) and plot the
points between each set of coordinates.
5 - Tracking message