— 30 —
x — 24-bit mask, hexadecimal mask, hexadecimal number 000000…FFFFFF
Factory setting: 000000
Set bit 17 of the engine status («Warning Level 1») if at least one bit of the current engine status matches
the specified mask. Use of this setting is described in VI.5.
x — 24-bit mask, hexadecimal number 000000…FFFFFF
Factory setting: 000000
Set bit 18 of the engine status («Warning Level 2») if at least one bit of the current engine status matches
the specified mask. Use of this setting is described in VI.5.
x — 24-bit mask, hexadecimal number 000000…FFFFFF
Factory setting: 000000
Set bit 19 of the engine status («Power Reduction») if at least one bit of the current engine status matches
the specified mask. Use of this setting is described in VI.5.
x — 24-bit mask, hexadecimal number 000000…FFFFFF
Factory setting: FFFFFF
Only bits set in this mask can be set by the Device in the engine status in NMEA 2000. Use of this parameter
is described in Section VI.6. See V.30 also.