XYZ Machine Tools
ProtoTRAK KMX CNC control, Safety and Quick Start Guide
XYZ Machine Tools Ltd.
ProtoTRAK UK Warranty Policy
ProtoTRAK products are warranted to the original purchaser to be free from defects in workmanship
and materials for the following periods:
Warranty Period
New ProtoTRAK Controlled Machine
12 Months
Any Exchange Unit or Spare Part
6 Months
The warranty period starts on the date of the invoice to the original purchaser from XYZ Machine
Tools Ltd (XYZ) or their authorised distributor. If a unit under warranty fails, it will be repaired or
exchanged at our option for a properly functioning unit in similar or better condition. Such repairs or
exchanges will be made carriage paid within the UK mainland.
Disclaimers of Warranties This warranty is expressly in lieu of any other warranties, express or
implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and of
any other obligations or liability on the part of XYZ (or any producing entity, if different). Warranty
repairs/exchanges do not cover incidental costs such as installation, labour, etc.
XYZ is not responsible for consequential damages from use or misuse of any of its products.
ProtoTRAK products are precision mechanical/electromechanical measurement systems and
must be given the reasonable care that these types of instruments require.
Replacement of slideway wipers and covers is the responsibility of the customer.
Consequently, the warranty does not apply if swarf or coolant have been allowed to enter the
This machine is designed to cut common, metallic engineering materials (such as steel and
aluminium). DO NOT use to cut special materials (such as composites or abrasives) without
agreement from XYZ Machine Tools. Any damage caused to the machine by processing such
materials will not be covered by the warranty.
Accidental damage, beyond the control of XYZ, is not covered by the warranty. Thus, the
warranty does not apply if an instrument has been abused, dropped, hit, disassembled or
Improper installation by or at the direction of the customer in such a way that the product
consequently fails, is considered to be beyond the control of the manufacturer and outside
the scope of the warranty.