XYZ Machine Tools
ProtoTRAK KMX CNC control, Safety and Quick Start Guide
Keyboard Hard Keys
initiates motion in Run
halts motion during Run
part graphics in Program and Program I/O modes
switches all or one axis between incremental and absolute
loads incremental dimensions and general data
loads absolute dimensions and general data
X, Y, Z:
selects axis for subsequent commands
0-9, +/-, . :
inputs numeric data with floating point format. Data is automat /- key is
pressed. All input data is automatically rounded to the system's resolution.
to change from one mode of operation to another
: clears an entry
: causes inch to metric or metric to inch conversion of displayed data
: turns coolant on and off
: selects between fine and coarse resolution on Electronic Handwheels (if fitted)
Arrow Keys
Between the LCD Screen and the hard keys is a column of arrow keys.
Up key, down key:
these are located at the top and bottom of the column, respectively. They
have several uses:
feedrate override in RUN and DRO modes
page forward, page back to move through events in a program
data forward, data back to move through the data in an event
Select Keys (7 off)
: These keys are called soft keys. A description of the current function or
use of each of these keys will be shown on the LCD screen next to each key. If there is no
description beside a key, that key has no function in the current mode.
Emergency Stop Switch
See safety section for more information on the E-stop button.
The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
The information displayed on the LCD screen is usually divided into 4 sections.
The top, status line, shows the system's current status. This includes the mode, inch or mm
measurement and part numbers.
Beneath this, and filling most of the screen, is the information area. Position data, program data and
graphics are shown here. In addition, message windows will be displayed here.
Beneath the information area is a single "conversation" line. When numeric data is required, the
conversation line will appear for you to see the values you enter, before they are set into the system.
On the right side of the LCD are boxes describing the current function of the adjacent soft key.
There is an LCD screensaver built into the control. If the system is inactive (e.g. no user input or
axes movement) for 20, continuous minutes, the LCD will turn itself off (black screen). Press any key
to bring the screen back to its previous display. The key you press will be ignored, except to turn the
screen on.