Quick Access to the devices via TitriSoft
The quick access menu (Fig. 83) can be used to send important direct commands to the TO 7280, TW 7650 and
the TitroLine
7500 KF
Fig. 83
1) TitroLine
7500 KF
Fig. 84
You have the following options:
Pump on
Manually switches on the pump when using air as carrier gas.
Pump off
Manually switches off the pump when using air as carrier gas.
Gas on
Manually switches on the valve, the nitrogen is supplied to the cell.
Gas off
Turns the valve off manually, the nitrogen is no longer supplied to the cell.
2) TO 7280
Fig. 85
You have the following options:
Starts a re-initialization of the TO 7280.
Head Up
Moves the needle head to the top position. The gas supply must be switched separately.
Head Down
»: Moves the needle head to the lowest position for sampling.
The gas supply must beswitched separately.