EN 2.10 Shuttle Manual 1712
SW 838023
E Special menus
Under certain circumstances it may be nec-
essary to make adjustments and to make
readings in the following special menus.
It is recommended that only experienced
users and MJK service technicians make
alterations in these menus.
The following menus are not protected with
an access code:
Bar graph read-out
Active measuring range
Response time
Measurement method
mA output value during system error
Calibraton of level readout
Offset level readout
Indication of echo signal quality
Indication of signal amplification
Indication of period length without echo
Selection of factory presets
The following menus are protected with an
access code:
Readout of version numbers
Find zero level on next power-up
Fixed mA signal
Interval between investigative
System alarm delay
Averaging the level measurement
Max. amplification level
Min. level for accept of ultrasonic echo
Sensitivity of the learning function
Changing the access code