Operating instructions
Table of Contents
Data Sheet
1. General
1.1 Foreword
1.3 Safety regulations
1.4 Safety instructions
Dangers of not following safety instructions
Safety instructions for the operator
Speed, pressure, temperature
Permitted forces on flanges
Sealing, flushing, cooling
Minimum flows
Protection against running dry
Back flow
2. Description
2.1 Model
2.2 Shaft sealing
2.3 Bearings and lubrication
Oil lubrication
Bearing sizes and oil quantities
Grease lubrication
3. Transport, Handling and Storage
3.1 Transport, Handling
3.2 Storage
4. Installation, Operation
4.1 Assembly and connection of pump
4.2 Installation and alignment of coupling
Permitted displacement for flexible couplings
4.3 Connecting the pipes to the pump
Suction and discharge pipe
Auxiliary pipes
4.4 Electrical connection
4.5 Starting up
Starting up for the first time
4.6 Operation and monitoring
Permitted number of starts
4.7 Shutting down
4.8 Dismantling
5. Maintenance, Servicing
Stuffing boxes
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Pa 100/3-en