This chapter is intended to supplement the rest of the manual. It provides charts of
general operational and BIOS problems, their possible causes, and corrective actions
that can be taken. Consult chapter 3 for installation and chapter 4 for maintenance
Remember when replacing a particular unit or performing service procedures
that the unit may have been customized and options installed. Make sure you maintain
configuration changes that were made to support these customizations or options.
In some cases, a problem will indicate you should replace a component. If the unit is
under warranty, we recommend you order a complete replacement unit rather than re-
placing only the damaged part. If you replace a part instead of replacing the entire
unit, you may find that other parts are defective and additional downtime may occur.
If the unit is no longer under warranty, the customer may wish to replace only the de-
fective part to reduce costs. Spare parts (see page 34) can be ordered directly from
Xycom Automation. We do not recommend third-party replacement components as
they may not be compatible with the unit's hardware and software.
When a failed unit is returned to Xycom Automation for repair, a detailed and accurate
problem description must accompany it (see page 32).
Following are two troubleshooting charts to help diagnose and correct problems. Each
chart provides one or more probable causes and a corresponding course of action for
each problem. The causes listed are not necessarily complete, and the recommended ac-
tion may not necessarily be appropriate for a particular situation.
Possible causes are ordered by the simplicity of the corrective action. Items that are
usually the easiest to check are listed first.
The charts are only guidelines and do not replace proper diagnostic procedures. It re-
mains your responsibility to verify that the actions taken to correct a problem are
Also, you should try to determine the failure's root cause. For example, if the line fuse
has blown, you should try to establish the reason for the excess current that caused the
fuse to blow to prevent it from recurring.