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Function 21
PEQ 1 - Q Factor
Select Q-factor.
You can select Q-factor between 0.5 - 50
One step = 0.1
Q-factor - See: Technical explanations.
How to use Function
The parametrical equalizer is a precision tool to
achieve perfect sound balance. The parametrical
equalizer allows controlling over the centre
frequency, bandwidth, and amplitudes
(parameters) of the bell filters. That makes it
possible to adjust the frequency response with very
high precision.
Dips and overshoots in the frequency response can
be compensated.
With a high Q-factor (narrow filters) you can cut
very narrow frequency band which can be used for
hum cancelling (50Hz).
In the parametric equalizer 3 parameters can be
1. Frequency
Measured in Hz.
2. Amplitude (boost or cut)
Measured in dB
3. Q-factor (filter bandwidth)
This refers to the width of the bell curve.
Frequency is measured in Hz (Herz) and decides
were in the spectra compensation can be done.
Range: 16-250Hz
Amplitude is measured in dB and decides how
much compensation should be done on a mode or
dip. A positive value is an amplification of the
signal. A negative value is a reduction of the signal.
Range: +12dB to -12dB
Q-Factor between 0.5 and 50 settles the width of
the peak or dip. A high value means a narrow
peak/dip and a low value means a wide peak/dip.
Function 34
Choose if the LCD display should be on constantly
or be shut off after a certain time.
Choose between ON or Auto-off 1-30 minutes.
How to use Function
In ON mode the LCD display is on constantly.
In Auto-off mode the amplifier switched to standby
after the chosen time.
Choose between 1 to 30 minutes.
If you use any button the LCD display turns on
Function 35
Choose if the amplifier should be on constantly or
be shut off after a certain time.
Choose between ON or Auto-off 1-30 minutes.