XtremeAir GmbH, Harzstr.2, D-39444 Hecklingen
Document No.
Tel: +49 39267 60999 0, Fax: +49 39267 60999 20
www.xtremeair.de [email protected]
DOA-Nr.: EASA.21J.360
Service Bulletin SB-2013-002
Date: 15.4.2013
Replaces Service Bulletin No. / Date:
Not applicable
Page 5 / 8
25. Remove the wiring harness from engine and engine mount and mark all separated
26. Remove all engine controls (throttle, mixture and governor) from engine and engine mount.
27. Remove and mark all separated cables and hoses between engine mount and fuselage.
28. Jack up the fuselage at the spar bridge.
29. Remove the landing gear lh/rh from the engine mount.
30. Secure the engine with lifting belt and remove the
starter and smoke valve.
31. Disconnect the engine mount from fuselage and lift the engine with engine mount.
Do not damage the oil cooler.
32. Remove the service cover (XA42-7130-170) from the fire wall.
33. Remove all fittings from the fire wall.
34. Cut open the RTV-joint between fire wall and fuselage.
35. Remove the protecting hose of the cable harness about 20cm.
36. Disconnect the manifold pressure hose and the smoke hose (XA42-8500-114) behind the fire
37. Remove the fire wall plate (XA42-7130-200) and the fiberfrax fire protection mat (XA42-7130-
202) to the right hand side.
38. Remove the lh/rh vent hoses.
39. Remove all remaining RTV sealant.
40. Connect the new blue vent hoses and seal with RTV 106.
41. Clean all bonding surfaces with acetone. Bond the thermal blanket
(XA42-7130-210) to the tank with RTV 106, position with fire wall plate (XA42-7130-200).
42. Fix the top flanges (XA42-7130-221), bottom flanges (XA42-7130-222), small spacer (XA42-
7130-260), middle spacer (XA42-7130-261) and large spacer (XA42-7130-262), above their
cut-out holes in the fire wall plate (XA42-7130-200) with superglue.
43. Clean the fire wall with acetone. Apply RTV 106 around the fire wall plate (XA42-7130-200)
and around the fuselage.
Do not apply RTV 106 at the engine mount interface points.
44. Bond fiberfrax protection blanket (XA42-7130-202) to the fuselage. Position the fire wall at the
blanket. All holes in the fuselage must be aligned.
Apply RTV 106 sealant around the fire wall sheet to cover the fiberfrax protection blanket
(XA42-7130-202). Remove the excess RTV 106 immediately.
45. Temporarily fix the fire wall plate (XA42-7130-200) with tape while the RTV 106 cures.
46. Install all parts in reverse order.
47. Install the service cover (XA42-7130-160) with RTV.
48. Install the engine with engine mount using new nuts and bolts.
(Maintenance Manual 20-10-02)