ICAM by Xtralis
ICAM Commissioning Guide
System Configuration and Setting Thresholds
It is recommended that all ICAM detectors (except IAS detectors) should be configured with Xtralis VSC
software, however if this is not immediately available, then the detectors can be configured through a display
panel if one is connected. Please note that the IAS detector cannot be configured through Xtralis VSC and can
only be configured via the detector's user interface.
Where possible, air flow thresholds and smoke alarm thresholds should be determined using ASPIRE pipe
network configuration software.
When an ICAM detector is powered up for the first time, Xtralis VSC will register all detectors as
unconfigured. All other products will appear under ancillary devices.
For a detailed explanation of the Xtralis VSC software forms and tabs, please refer to the online help for the
software. For detailed explanations on how to setup the IFT series, ILS or IAS detectors through a display
panel (if applicable) please refer to the relevant product guides.