VESDA VLI Product Guide
VESDA by Xtralis
Powering Up
After installing the detector it is necessary to power up the system. The power up sequence lasts
approximately 15 seconds.
The VLI detector does not have a power switch i.e it is an "always on" device which is activated by applying
powered cabling to the power input terminal on the main board (Figure 3-7). This process must only be
performed by Xtralis accredited personnel.
If the system fails to power up, check all power wires are secured to their terminals and that the polarity is
On power up:
The Power LED illuminates and the detector runs a series of self-diagnostic tests.
If there is a fault, the Fault LED illuminates. To identify the fault, check the Active Event List for the
detector using the Xtralis VSC software.
The aspirator starts up and air may be felt flowing out of the exhaust port.
It is normal for the detector to display troubles immediately after the first power up. Reset the detector by
pressing the reset button on the front of the unit. This will unlatch the relays and turn off the Fault LED. Any
remaining faults will cause the Fault LED to illuminate again. Proceed with the preliminary system check.