Doc. 20780_03
ADPRO Passive-Infrared (PIR) PRO Series by Xtralis
Planning and Commissioning Manual
Click (
) to stop the process and save the file.
The file is saved in the “DAT” folder and named according to the following naming
“” where: z=number of statistics file, yy=year, mm=month, dd= day,
nnn=sequential number (1 - 999), xxx=address number. Debugger
This tool helps record all communication made between the detector and computer and save
this information in files stored in the computer. These files are saved in the “DAT” sub-folder
accessed through the ADPRO PRO Windows® Software folder.
Click (Debugger) to open the Debugger window, it appears as follows:
To start recording of data traffic and save this information in the computer, follow these
Click the checkbox next to “Communication”, the window appears as follows:
Click (New File).
Data is saved in the file; you can create another file by clicking (NewFile).
To stop recording of data, click (Clear).
Files are named according to the following naming convention: