A80 BT Intelligent Diagnosis System
installed after the air intake heating device (if equipped). It is forbidden
to enter the sensor during painting or cleaning.
Accelerator pedal sensor
Unlike ordinary distribution pumps or in-line pumps, in diesel
electrical control devices, the driver's acceleration requirements are no
longer transmitted to the fuel injection pump through the cable or
transmission rod system, but are learned by the accelerator pedal sensor
and transmitted to the power supply. Control the accelerator pedal. A
voltage is developed in the accelerator pedal sensor via a potentiometer
based on the position of the accelerator pedal. The accelerator pedal
position is calculated from the voltage based on the MAP chart.
Common faults and elimination of electronic control system
Trouble shooting of common vehicle self-diagnosis systems
Audi's V6 engine uses the MPFI multi-point fuel injection system,
and its self-diagnostic system has 30 different faults stored in the
microcomputer. Its characteristics are:
If the fault exists for more than a certain amount of time, the fault is
stored in the memory in a stable form.
If a failure occurred during a certain period of time, the fault is
considered to be a sporadic fault, and if the engine is started 50 times and