The toe angle is the angle of both front tyres (or rear tyres) to each other, when viewed from above. Toe-in is when the front of both tyres
point toward each other and toe-out is when the front of both tyres point away from each other. Zero degrees of toe angle is when both
front or rear tyres point straight ahead. For the most reliable handling, the toe angle should be set to zero degrees front and rear.
adJuStinG tHe toe anGle
Zero degrees toe-in on both the front and the rear tyres.
reCoMMended initial SettinGS
For more precise toe angle adjustments, use a dedicated toe angle
adjustment gauge, available at most hobby retailers.
- With the steering servo arm centred, adjust the steering linkage rod until the the
right-side tyre is pointing straight ahead (zero toe angle). To adjust the steering
linkage rod, loosen the hex nut, then remove the ball link connected to the servo
arm and adjust the length of the steering linkage rod by turning the ball link in or out.
When satisfied with the alignment, refit the ball link and re-tighten the hex nut.
- Use the same technique that you did in step 1 above to adjust the tie rod until the left
side tyre is pointing straight ahead (no toe angle). With the servo arm centred, both
tyres should point straight ahead.
Straight - No Toe
The chassis ride height can be adjusted either higher or lower to suit different types of terrain. Ideally, the chassis should be high enough
to clear the terrain, but not so high that the X-Crawler ARR becomes less stable.
adJuStinG tHe CHaSSiS ride HeiGHt
We recommend leaving the chassis ride height in the factory stock position to start.
Move the lower shock holders up the link rod to raise the chassis ride height or down the link rod to lower the chassis ride height.
reCoMMended initial SettinGS
Be careful not to set the chassis ride height too low or you might high
centre the X-Crawler ARR and/or scrape the terrain below.
- To adjust the chassis ride height, first loosen the two lower shock holder retaining
screws, then slide the shock holder up or down the link rod and retighten the
retaining screws.
Make sure to adjust all four lower shock holders equally.
Both the front and the rear castor angle can be adjusted separately. While we don't recommend adding positive castor, negative castor
may give you a little more side bite on the tire sidewall.
adJuStinG tHe CaStor anGle
We recommend initially leaving the castor angle at the factory setting.
reCoMMended initial SettinGS
- Introduce negative castor by moving both inner link rods back one or more holes in
the chassis side plates. This will pull the top of the gearbox assembly back, causing
a negative castor angle.