The default Voice Trigger settings should suit most applications.
The following procedure explains how you can check that the
settings are suitable for your system:
1. Check the
Start Threshold
Take the handset off-hook, and check that the Start
Threshold is triggered (START DETECTED is displayed). If
your telephone has a live microphone and hence higher
noise levels, you may need to set a higher value to avoid
‘false starts’. See also
Voice Trigger on Mouth
, below.
2. Test the
Idle Threshold
With the phone on-hook, ensure that the Idle Threshold level
is above the levels in the ‘Peak Level’ boxes (IDLE DETECTED
is displayed).
If you have a noisy line or telephone, you may need a higher
value (>250). If the value is too low it may merge calls; too
high and it may slice calls into several recordings if the
conversation has silence pauses.
3. Set the
Idle Timeout Period
Extend this time beyond the default of 8 seconds if your calls
tend to have long pauses.
If you finish one call and start another within the Idle
Timeout period, XtRecorder will merge the two calls into a
single recording.