Fast backward(outer
ring counter
When playback, turn the shuttle
(outer ring) counter clock-wise one
round, you can view in backward
level 1. Turn it two rounds, you get
backward level 2. You can continue
turning to get different speed.
Frame rate may
vary due to
different version.
Manual playback
frame by frame
In playback mode, click play/pause
button, slowly turn the jog (inner
dial) clock-wise to view frame by
frame, counter clock wise to view I
frame playback. Backward playback and frame by frame playback
Backward play
in playback
In normal playback mode, left click
backward play button, system begins
backward playback.
Double click backward play button
again, system goes to pause mode.
When system is in
backward play or
frame by frame
playback mode,
you can click play
button to go to
normal playback.
playback frame
by frame.
Click pause button in normal playback
mode, slowly turn the jog (inner dial)
clock-wise to view frame by frame,
counter clock wise to view I frame
All the operations here (such as playback speed, channel, time and
progress) have relationship with hardware version.
Some series DVR do not support some functions or playback speeds.
4.3.3 Calendar
Click calendar icon
in Figure 4-10, system pops up calendar for your
Highlighted date means that there are record files in that day. You can click blue
date to view file list.
In Figure 4-11, there are video files in October 16th and 17th. Double click date to
view file list.
Figure 4-11