Record channel: select the channel to record when video loss occurred.
Alarm output: activate peripheral alarm device when video loss occurred.
Enable tour: Here is for you to activate tour.
Latch: when motion detection completes, system auto delays detecting for a
specified time. The value ranges from 10-300(Unit: second)
PTZ preset: Click set button to set preset for one or all channels. See
Period 1/2: It is for you to set two periods (00.00-24.00).
Alarm output: when video loss occurred, system enables peripheral alarm
devices. Please highlight icon to enable this function
Show message: System pops up message in the screen to alert you once
alarm occurred. Please highlight icon to enable this function.
Camera Mask Detect
Figure 4-17
When someone viciously mask lens, system can alarm you to guarantee video
Camera mask detection interface is shown as in Figure 4-18.
Channel: select the channel you want to enable camera mask detection
Type: please select camera mask detect from the dropdown list.
Record channel: select the channel to record when camera mask occurred.
Alarm output: activate peripheral alarm device when camera mask occurred.
Enable tour: Here is for you to activate tour.
Latch: when motion detection completes, system auto delays detecting for a
specified time. The value ranges from 10-300(Unit: second)
PTZ preset: Click set button to set preset for one or all channels. See Figure
Period 1/2: there are for you to set two periods (00.00-24.00).
Alarm output: when motion detection, system enable peripheral alarm devices.
Please highlight icon to enable this function
Show message: System pops up message in the screen to alert you once
alarm occurred. Please highlight icon to enable this function