Install Turn Switch – There are several places the Turn Switch can be mounted, so user preference may dictate
where they are mounted. They can be mounted in the upper left-hand corner of the dash or mount the turn
switch on the left-hand side of the steering wheel shown below with the arrow and mount the Horn/Hazard on
the right side of the steering wheel. Honda uses a custom large switch so you cannot use the blank switch
cutout. Using the provided switch template, mark the rectangle for the switch and drill a hole in each corner,
using a sharp box knife cut out the rectangle, do not over cut, trim as necessary. Push the switch Connector and
wires through and apply grease (see Below) attach to switch and install in dash.
Dielectric Grease
Just like the OEM uses on their switches, we recommend using Dielectric Grease on
all switch terminals, this keeps the water out, thereby reducing corrosion and helps increase reliability!
Open the grease and put on the switch terminals and the connector terminals on both the Turn and
Horn switches, the more the better
Install Hazard Horn Switch - Using the provided switch template, mark the rectangle for the switch and drill a
hole in each corner, using a sharp box knife cut out the rectangle. Push the switch Connector and wires through
and apply grease and attach to switch and install in dash.
Install the Power Harness. Next to the Power Steering unit is a blue connector, un-plug the blue connector from
the holder by lifting on the small center tab, plug the ATS Power Harness in and Plug the other end into the
Control Module.
Mount the Horn, it will be mounted under one of the 3 forward Dash Cover Torx screws. Prepare the horn by
bending the horn bracket with a pair of pliers and install it when you reinstall the Dash Cover. Attach the Violet
and Black wires to the horn terminals as shown below with the white arrow, position does not matter.