Document MT1600P.2019.A
© Xsens Technologies B.V.
MTi Family Reference Manual
The Orientation Smoother is a software component within the sensor fusion
engine that is currently only available for the MTi-G-710. This feature aims
to reduce any sudden jumps in the Orientation outputs that may arise when
fusing low-rate GNSS receiver messages with high-rate inertial sensor
The Orientation Smoother can be enabled from the Device Settings window
in MT Manager, or by using the
low-level command (see
MT Low Level Communication Protocol Documentation
This feature is not yet available for the MTi 1-series or the MTi 600-series.
GNSS Platform
u-Blox GNSS receivers support different dynamic platform models in order
to adjust the navigation engine to the expected application environment.
The GNSS/INS products can be configured to communicate a desired
platform model upon start-up. This enables the user to adjust the u-Blox
receiver platform to match the dynamics of the application. The setting
influences the estimates of Position and Velocity and therefore it affects the
behavior of the Xsens filter output. Currently, only the Portable (default) and
Airborne (<4g) platforms are supported.
The platform model can be configured using MT Manager or low-level
communication. For more details on GNSS platform settings, refer to the u-
Blox Receiver Description Manual.
Alternatively, when using interfacing with a GNSS receiver through NMEA
communication, the received NMEA position data is used ‘as is’,
independent of the GNSS platform setting.
Calibration (ICC)
In-run Compass Calibration (ICC) provides a solution to calibrate the
sensor for magnetic distortions caused by objects that move with the MTi.
Examples are the cases where the MTi is attached to a car, aircraft, ship or
other platforms that can distort the magnetic field. It also handles situations
in which the sensor has become magnetized. ICC is an alternative for the
offline MFM (Magnetic Field Mapper). It results in a solution that can run
embedded on different industrial platforms (leaving out the need for a host
processor like a PC) and relies less on specific user input.
ICC is currently a feature in beta. For more information, refer to the BASE-
article on ICC:
This feature is not yet available for the MTi 600-series.
Links to the latest available documentation can be found via the following link: