1. Prior to plugging the unit into the power source, inspect completely for any shipping damage.
2. Complete Adapter Assembly (Fig. A)
3. Plug the electrical cord into the power outlet.
4. Carefully place the
Inflatable Blower unit on a stable, flat dry surface.
5. Turn the switch to select desired speed, while making sure unit operates normally.
6. The
inflatable blower
in operation must be supervised at all times.
Durable and easy to operate with an effective balance of static pressure and airflow, the P-815I is suitable for
a variety of applications. As a multifunctional blower, the P-815I also functions to move air and to dry floors,
walls, furniture, etc.
a) Attach Inflatable Adapter to Blower.
b) Tighten the screws on both sides of the Adapter to make sure
both Blower and Adapter are connected properly.