© 2018, XPAND 3D
12 www.xpandvision.com
General Health And Safety Warnings
Carefully read and follow all warnings in the User’s Guide to reduce health
risks associated with viewing media in 3D. Before allowing a child to view
3D media, Parents or Guardians must read and follow the warnings and
ensure that the child understands and follows the warnings.
May Cause Seizures
Some people have a condition that can cause them to experience seizures
or lose consciousness momentarily while viewing certain kinds of flashing
lights or patterns. These persons may have seizures while watching some
kinds of television pictures or playing certain video or computer games.
Persons who have not had any previous seizures may still have an
undetected seizure condition.
If you or anyone in your family has experienced symptoms linked to a
seizure condition, including experiencing seizures or a loss of awareness,
consult your physician before viewing 3D media.
We recommend that Parents or Guardians observe their children while the
children use 3D glasses. Discontinue use immediately and consult your
physician if you or your child experience any of the following symptoms:
dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitching, involuntary movements,
loss of awareness, unconsciousness, disorientation, or seizures. Do not use
3D glasses for extended periods of time.
May Cause Eye Fatigue
Some users have reported dizziness, headaches, or eye fatigue as a result
of viewing media in 3D. Discontinue use if you or your child experience any
of these conditions. Do not use 3D glasses for extended periods of time.
Parents or Guardians should limit use by children to no more than a few
hours per day.
Young Children
The vision of young children (especially children under the age of six) is
still under development. Consult your doctor (such as a pediatrician or eye
doctor) before allowing young children to watch 3D video images or play
3D videos games. Parents or Guardians should supervise young children to
ensure they follow these recommendations.