selected ranges. This can be also enabled/disabled with the Random FX command
(RDMN) from the FX list. Press
to get to the
and change
the ranges.
- Swap Outputs → Swaps the first row 1..8 of the trigger expander outputs with the second
row 9..16. This is implemented because the limited column count of a track, so one can
decide which columns to choose for direct access. Expanders can be assigned to multiple
tracks. This can be for example the first 8 triggers on one track and the last 8 triggers on
another track. Beside that, the other outputs are always available through the FX column
and can be triggered on the Drum-Matrix.
- Matrix Trigger → Sets the trigger type for the drum-matrix. Here all trigger types (same as
regular trigger types) can be filled in and the drum matrix triggers uses these setting then.
- PR → Piano Roll function. Enables a (vertical) monophonic piano roll function. If turned
on, you can set a Basenote or a Basenote without a trigger. Now all triggers entered in the
Drum-Matrix will also play a note on the local CV/Gate track, beginning with the basenote
on the first trigger and then semitones up until the last trigger. The Notes can be played
with either the local track trigger or not (in the setting after the highest basenote). The
‘Black’ and ‘White’ keys like on a piano are marked in Piano Roll Mode on top with the 16
triggers in the matrix.
- Firmware Update - Enters the
NSA-Expanders are
smart devices and can get firmware updates for new functions or bugfixes as well. (See
NSA Firmware update screen)
- Test Trigger 1..16 → Here the Trigger/Gate outputs can be tested (0 Volt = Off, 5 Volt =
On). The LED should also be on or off corresponding with the voltages.
Track Setup (CV16 Track)
A CV16 Expander is needed to enter this screen.
For all settings be aware that some settings belong to the NSA channel of the expander and some
are per track. The selections are marked in the previous colours.
- Track Clock → See track setup of the
→ Track Setup (CV/Gate Track).
- Transpose → Allow or avoid the transposing of the track. This is for the global and the
track transpose.
- Loc.Trigger Delay → See track setup of the CV/Gate track.
- Random FX1..3 → Enables randomized values for the selected FX. If turned on and a
range selected, all FX values in the selected FX will play with random values within the
selected ranges. This can be also enabled/disabled with the Random FX command
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 95
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022