Configuration of
To create a shortcut use
the mouse to right click
on a free spot on XO
Select “Configure
shortcuts”. The shortcut
configuration will now
From the list “Availa-
ble actions” select the
action to which you wish
to create a shortcut.
Use the mouse to drag
the action symbol to the
desired location on foot
control palette on the
Click “OK” to save and
Programming chair
Right click on the Unit
& Chair cell. From the
menu select “Configura-
tion” / “General configu-
“XO Unit plug-in opti-
ons” window appears.
Select “Chair positions”.
From the “positions”
drop-down menu select
the position to program.
Use foot control to move
the chair to the desired
position. Press “Store
current position of chair
and backrest”.
The programming is
now complete.
Activating Auto Hide
In order to maximise
screen space for other
software application XO
Smart Link has a build
in “Auto Hide” function.
The “Auto Hide” function
automatically removes
(all or some) XO Smart
Link windows from the
computer screen when
XO Unit is not being
To activate “Auto Hide”
Open XO Menu
Select / “Configuration”
/ “General Configura-
The General Configura-
tion window will appear:
On the page “Screen &
Appearance” click “Hide
XO bar when inactive”.
Set desired idle time.
Multiple screens
For true multi screen
installations XO Smart
Link supports up to four
screens. To select the
screen to be used by XO
Smart Link:
Open XO Menu
Select / “Configuration”
/ “General Configura-
The General Configura-
tion window will appear:
On the page “Screen
& Appearance” click
“Screen”. Select screen
to be used by XO Smart
NOTE ! The specific
functions of a multi
screen setup depends
on the software and
the hardware installed.
Functionality will vary
with different configura-
Timers & Stopwatch cell
All unit instruments rest