Seeing a Snapshot
1 Click the snapshot's icon on the album to select it.
2 Choose Open from the View menu.
You can also just double-click on the snapshot's icon.
Microsoft Paint opens so you can see the snapshot and edit it.
NOTE: If you have set up your computer to display .bmp files with another application, it will
open instead.
Here's a sample of Microsoft Paint displaying a snapshot:
For descriptions of the editing features of Microsoft Paint, please see its user manual.
Sending a Video Mail, captured video clip or Snapshot with E-mail:
After capturing videos and snapshots with your C-it Digital PC Video Camera, you can send them as
attachments to e-mail messages.
1 In the Video Album, click on the exe, avi, or bmp file that you want to send.
2 Choose Send from the File menu.
Your e-mail message application opens. The snapshot or video that you selected in step 1 is
attached to the message.
3 Type the e-mail message and send it in the normal manner. The video or snapshot will be sent
with the message as an attachment.
NOTE: If Microsoft Outlook is already open, drag the selected file from the album to the Outlook
window. Microsoft Word opens with the selected file as an attachment, and you can compose a
new message.