VCU1287 Characterization Board
UG1121 (v1.0) December 11, 2015
Appendix D:
System Controller
8. Get UTIL5V0 Voltage
9. Get UTIL3V3 Voltage
A. Get UTIL2V5 Voltage
0. Return to Main Menu
Option 1: Get PMBus Voltages
VCCINT = 0.950 V
VCCAUX = 1.800 V
VCCBRAM = 0.950 V
VCCO_HP = 1.800 V
VCCO_HR = 1.800 V
UTIL2V5 = 2.499 V
UTIL3V3 = 3.300 V
UTIL5V0 = 5.000 V
Option 2: Continuous Scan PMBUS Voltages
The list of voltages shown in option 1 is displayed and updated about once per second.
Pressing any key displays the PMBus menu.
Option 3: Get VCCINT Voltage
VCCINT = 0.950 V
Unscaled Hex: MSB = 0x00, LSB = 0x8D
(The returned values include configuration setting details.)
Option 4: Get VCCAUX Voltage
VCCAUX = 1.800 V
Unscaled Hex: MSB = 0x1C, LSB = 0xC9
(The returned values include configuration setting details.)
Option 5: Get VCC_BRAM Voltage
VCCBRAM = 0.950 V
Unscaled Hex: MSB = 0x0F, LSB = 0x34
(The returned values include configuration setting details.)
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