Getting Started with the MicroBlaze Development Kit - Spartan-3E 1600E Edition
UG258 (v1.3) November 30, 2007
Chapter 1:
MicroBlaze Development Kit - Getting Started
Quick Start Information
The following section is provided to help the user get up and running with the
development kit quickly. It contains basic instructions and requirements to get started with
the development kit without having to read the entire manual. This is recommended for
users familiar with Xilinx products. For a user that is new to Xilinx products, it is
recommended that the user read the rest of this document as it contains more detailed
information and instructions on the resources included in this development kit.
Step 1 -
Install the ISE 9.2i WebPack or ISE 9.2i Foundation and Xilinx Platform Studio™
(XPS/EDK) software. Please make sure to install the necessary software as indicated
ISE 9.2i WebPack or ISE 9.2i Foundation, including Service Pack 3
EDK 9.2i, including Service Pack 1
The Software Service packs can be downloaded from the Xilinx website at the following
Step 2 -
Set up the development board and connect it to the host machine. This includes
connecting the following:
Board power supply
Download cable - host to target
Null modem serial cable - host to target
Cross-over ethernet cable - host to target
Detailed instructions of how to accomplish these tasks are found later in this document.
Step 3 -
Choose the reference system or demonstration of choice. Demonstrations are
located in the Xilinx Platform Flash and the Intel StrataFlash on the development board.
These demonstrations are selected by changing the configuration mode jumpers. The
following demonstrations are pre-loaded on the development board:
Hello World Demonstration - Master Serial configuration mode
Clinux Demonstration - BPI Up configuration mode
To get access to the EDK 9.1
Clinux source files please send email to
The BlueCat Linux reference system for this kit is available from the Xilinx website at the
following location:
In addition to the demonstrations, the Development Kit website also has the source files
for the following reference system:
sp3e1600e_mb_HelloWorld –
contains the bit file and HyperTerminal setup file
for this demonstration
sp3e1600e_mb_BlueCatLinux –
contains the XPS source project for the BlueCat
Linux reference system
This design can be downloaded from the provided link. Once downloaded, extract the ZIP
file to the local machine. Then invoke Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) and open the project