Serial interface protocol and electrical connections:
Pin 1 is the TX pin, pin 6 is the RX pin, and pin 5 is ground.
Do not connect anything else on other pins, these pins are
connected directly to CPU and can damage it.
Nominal electrical levels are of 3,3V. Rx input is tolerant to 5V
inputs. TX output always will output a 3,3V signal.
Serial interface settings:
baud rate: 9600
data bits: 8
parity: none
stop bits: 1
Protocol description:
Data is retrieved from the adapter trough different commands. See table.
Note that the adapter is continuously retrieving the data from the fadec, but due at the
nature of the fadec protocols and speed data speed used on different fadec models, there
are 3 types of informations available that differ in the refresh rate.
High speed:
Updated 10 times/second, like RPM, EGT, Pump power
Medium speed:
Updated each 2 seconds.
Slow speed:
Updated once each 60 seconds
Command structure:
SYNC: First byte. Always C7h value (Decimal 199)
COMMAND: 3 byte command in ASCII. See table.
CR: Last byte. 0Dh value (Decimal 13)
After sending a command, the adapter will return the answer for this particular command,
see the table.