This version is for private use only and should not be distributed.
Adjusting the disc brake
Adjust the handlebar
If the brake is too tight, use the M4 hexagon wrench to loosen the screws on the caliper,
and slightly send back the brake cable to shorten the exposed length, then tighten the
screws. If the brake is too loose, loosen the screws, and slightly pull out the brake cable to
lengthen the exposed length, then tighten the screws.
If the handlebar and its stem sway during riding, use the M5 hexagon wrench to tighten
the screws on the folding mechanism.
Brake Cable
Always charge before exhausting the battery to prolong the battery's lifespan. The battery
pack performs better at normal temperature, and poor when it is below 0°C. For instance,
when it is below -20°C, the riding range is only half or less at normal state. When the
temperature rises, the riding range restores. For detailed information, please refer to Mi
Home App.
Note: fully charged Mi Electric Scooter will last for 120-180 days. The built-in intelligent chip
will keep a log of its charging and discharging records. The damage caused by prolonged
no charge is irreversible and is beyond limited warranty. Once the damage is done, the
battery can not be recharged (non-professionals are forbidden to dismantle the battery
pack, as it may cause electric shock, short circuit or even major safety accidents).