FalconX1/X4/X8 Quick Start Guide
Version 0.6
August 23, 2019
Please note that if you are using a weak source, the characterization process may fail
due to a timeout in the final verification procedure, which starts at the 60% point of
the process. In that case, run the process again, and cancel the process once you get to
the 60% point – the best fit to that point will be used.
Once you have completed the characterization process, it is a good idea to save the
configuration so you can reload it at a later time. Choose File -> Save as … to store
the configuration file; at this point, it is necessary to store each configuration in a
separate directory, so as to avoid overwriting the characterization file, which is stored
separately from the ini file (and referenced by the ini file).
2.4 MCA Operation
Once you have successfully characterized the pulse shape, you can take MCA data.
To get started, switch to the main MCA panel, and also select the Acquisition tab on
the left; see screenshot below.
In the Acquisition tab, you can select the number of bins in the spectrum (up to 4k),
as well as the bin width (in eV).
For pulse control, you can set the detection threshold, which is expressed as a
fraction of the full ADC range, and is set in the Characterization process – you may
not need to adjust the threshold, unless you are working to see the lowest possible
energies. The Minimum separation controls how close together two detected pulses
can be and be included in the spectrum; a longer separation can give somewhat better
resolution at high rates, at the expense of throughput. Finally, you can choose what
sort of detection and measurement filter is used to process the pulses:
Low energy: this is the slowest setting, and allows the lowest possible threshold to
detect light elements. This setting is also useful to process pulses with very long rise
Low rate: Useful for larger area detectors with some pulses with longer rise times.