Care must be taken when changing the baud rates since the baud rate of external user
equipment must match the rate setting of the radio. Also, the maximum rated baud
rate of external RS-232 level shifters or protocol converters (for example, RS-232 to USB
converters), which are used to interface the radio to user equipment, should be
Data Serial Framing
To configure the data serial framing, enter “1” in the Serial Port Configuration menu.
The following are examples of valid inputs:
The first character represents data bits and can be set from 5 – 8. The second character
represents parity and can be set to N, O, or E for none, odd, or even. The last character
represents stop bits and can be set to 1, 1.5, or 2.
RF Configuration
This menu allows for the selection of the frequency characteristics of the radio and can
be accessed from the main configuration menu by entering menu option “1”.
Menu for 406.1 – 430 MHz and 450 - 470 MHz band operation:
Data Serial Bit Rate
This parameter specifies the serial bit rate in bits/second for
the data port.
Current selection: 115200 bps
0 : 1200 bps b : 1049479 bps
1 : 2400 bps c : 1259375 bps
2 : 4800 bps d : 1574219 bps
3 : 9600 bps e : 2098958 bps
4 : 19200 bps f : 3148438 bps
5 : 38400 bps g : Enter a bit rate
6 : 57600 bps
7 : 115200 bps
8 : 230400 bps
9 : 460800 bps
a : 921600 bps
Esc: Return to previous menu
Enter selection: