V E R SA L IN K® C 70 0 0 SE R IE S
Customer Expectation and Installation Guide
Mobility Plate information
Carpeted flooring surfaces may require the installation of a mobility plate on the IOT and Finishers to allow the product to be moved during normal
maintenance activities.
Installation Considerations
There should be a minimum of 78 inches (1,981 mm) clearance from the floor to the nearest overhead obstruction.
The Base Configuration unit weighs about (92 Kg)
Electrical requirements and space requirements must be satisfied before the equipment is delivered.
One network drop is required for installation.
Network Requirements
The customer is responsible for connecting and configuring the equipment on their network.
One network drop is required for installation.
Fax telephone line requirements (optional)
If the fax option is installed, the following telephone line requirements are applicable:
Telephone wall jack should be within 7’ of the middle left side of the back of the unit.
Telephone Service Supported:
Sole-use, non-switchboard (direct dial)
RJ11 – 6 position, 4 pin modular jack
Single analog line.
For 3 line fax, additional lines must meet the same requirements.
Analog Fax over VOIP is not supported.
T.38 and SIP FOIP is supported (Optional)
Convenience Staple (optional)
Requires separate outlet from one required for device. Refer to the above product electrical requirements for outlet type and requirements. The same
electrical line as the device may be used; if no other devices are present on the line.
Energy Star
Energy Star is a government-backed program helping businesses and individuals protect the environment through superior energy efficiency. The
C7020/C7025/C7030/C7000 is Energy Star certified. The automatically switches to a Low Power mode after an idle period. After an additional idle period,
the machine switches to sleep mode, saving additional power. The customer can adjust the “Time to Low Power mode” and the “Time to Sleep Mode” as
described in the documentation.